主席 & 首席执行官

首席执行官, 广场公司主席兼联合创始人, 莎伦·哈珀负责公司运营的各个方面, 包括所有权, 发展, leasing or management of nearly 13 million square feet of Arizona urban transformational projects, 医疗保健公司, 老年生活社区和生物科学中心.

有哈珀掌舵, 加拿大28app苹果ios版’ properties and projects have received significant recognition within the real estate, 建设, 高级的生活, 技术和医疗行业, and the company has proved instrumental in setting a national standard of excellence in the ownership, 发展, management and leasing of award-winning facilities throughout these sectors. 她对商业房地产的前瞻性承诺帮助广场公司成为西南地区首屈一指的房地产公司之一, 在她的领导下获得了无数奖项和指定,并将公司建立为亚利桑那州最大的女性拥有的企业,根据凤凰商业杂志的名单. 

Harper has been heavily influential in the widespread success of SkySong, 亚利桑那州立大学斯科茨代尔创新中心, 其中广场公司是主要开发商. 最近, the project received the Arizona Forward Environmental Excellence Award for Art in Public Places in 2022. In addition to earning NAIOP’s “Best of NAIOP” Economic Impact Project and Spec Office Building awards in 2017, Plaza’s project earned recognition as a RED Award finalist and winner several times. Plaza also secured the AZ Big Media RED Award for “混合用途开发 of the Year, 2015” for SkySong as well as two 2015 “Best of NAIOP” awards, 其中包括天星的“经济影响奖”,以及天星3号楼的额外办公楼奖.

该地区最知名的标志之一, 多年来,天颂在绿色建筑和可持续发展方面的努力获得了广泛的认可. SkySong’s buildings have received LEED Silver Certifications from the U.S. Green Building Council and an Energy Star designation from the U.S. 环境保护署. 该项目还获得了全国办公和工业物业协会亚利桑那州分会的“NAIOP最佳”奖, 它还获得了Valley Forward颁发的“优异奖”. 事实证明,在吸引尖端技术和创新公司到该地区以及超过2家公司方面,天星也发挥了重要作用,000个工作岗位, and the project has cemented itself one of the premier economic engines in the Southwest. 完成后,SkySong将包含1.200万平方英尺的多功能空间以及办公室, 一个酒店, 零售设施, 公寓住宅和许多其他设施.

加拿大28app苹果ios版 is also the co-developer of the renovation of the 公园中央 Mall property, which earned Arizona Forward’s Environmental Excellence Award for Historic Preservation & 适应性重用, Best of NAIOP awards as “Mixed Use Project of the Year” in 2022, 2019年被评为“年度交易”和“城镇话题”,2020年被AZRE杂志评为“年度重建项目”. Plaza plays a key role in converting the space into an innovative, 现代化的新办公和零售开发项目,再次成为凤凰城中心的枢纽和凤凰医疗区的核心. 

加拿大28app苹果ios版最近获得的奖项包括2022年RED奖和位于公园中心的Creighton大学建筑的NAIOP最佳奖, 2022年亚利桑那前锋队杰出奖, 2021 RED Award for the Catalina Parking Structure at 公园中央, a 2021 AZRE Real Estate and 发展 奖 BEST of the BEST, 以及2021年凤凰城姊妹城市全球出口奖.

哈珀的辛勤工作和不懈的奉献也帮助广场公司成为当地和全国房地产行业不可或缺的组成部分. Its properties and projects have seen considerable successes, with the Plaza team playing an instrumental role in the 发展, 建设, leasing and management of numerous on and off-campus projects. Notable medical projects include the Banner Estrella Medical Center of 凤凰城, a 300,占地5000平方英尺的流动医疗校园被认为是西谷尖端医疗保健的中心, Paradise Valley Medical Plaza and numerous other on and off-campus projects. 哈珀和广场公司还在亚利桑那州许多顶级老年生活设施的开发和管理中发挥了重要作用, 包括银石的维和格雷霍克的维, 后者已经连续八年获得“亚利桑那州第一独立/辅助生活社区”的认可. 该设施还被列入了美国.S. 新闻与世界报道’ “Best Nursing 首页s” list in numerous years, and earned a nod as one of the “Best Places to Work in the Valley.该设施还获得了亚利桑那州排名:亚利桑那州最佳商业的十几项“最佳独立生活提供者”的认可.

图森’s Splendido at Rancho Vistoso retirement community also earned numerous accolades. The Arizona Health Care Organization recently named it the #1 health care center in the state, 而图森探险者的读者, Marana 新闻 and Foothills 新闻 named it the “Best Active Living Community” in 2018. 亚利桑那每日星报的读者们, 与此同时, 2017年将其评为“最佳退休社区”, while Interfaith Community Services awarded Splendido its “Spirit of Philanthropy” award that same year. Splendido was also listed among “America’s Best Nursing 首页s” by U.S. 新闻与世界报道, and the facility was also the recipient of the “Outstanding Arts Leader Award” by the Southern Arizona Arts & 文化联盟, the “Good Deal” and Help Others” awards by Habitat for Humanity, 图森, and the “Go for the Gold” award by Crandall Corporate Dietitians. 该公司继续协助开发和管理亚利桑那州中部马里科帕县及其周边地区的许多其他老年生活项目.

Harper’s personal business achievements have earned considerable praise as well. 她被评为2023年亚利桑那州公众女性成就奖 & 《加拿大28app苹果ios版》报道的私营公司. 她获得了NAIOP 2019年优秀奖, was named among the 2019 Leaders of the Year in Public Policy for the Economy by Arizona Capitol Times, earned recognition as 2017’s “Woman of the Year” by Valley 领导, and was listed among the 凤凰城 Business Journal’s “Landmark Leaders” the year prior. 她和她的丈夫,博士. Oliver Harper, also received a Lifetime Achievement Award from 凤凰城 Theatre. Plaza, 与此同时, earned a “Top Companies to Work For” in 2019 nod from azcentral.com, and NAIOP recognized several specific Plaza projects for excellence in 2019, too. Plaza’s 公园中央 project earned “Transaction of the Year” and “Talk of the Town” nods in 2019, while Estrella医疗广场II scored a “医疗办公室 Project of the Year” acknowledgment. Plaza在2016年和2017年被《加拿大28官方免费下载app》评为顶级房地产开发和经纪公司之一,并于2017年进入AZ Big Media的亚利桑那州领先房地产公司阵容.

哈珀还在州长霍布斯的过渡团队中担任领导职务,并在2022年参议员凯利的连任竞选中担任领导职务. 她是马里科帕县交通倡议479号提案的联合主席,也是凤凰城5亿美元GO债券委员会的主席. 她是弗吉尼亚大学的受托人. Piper Charitable Trust和Flinn Foundation的生物科学路线图指导委员会的创始成员. 以前, she served as 主席 of Governor Doug Ducey’s re-election campaign in 2018 and 主席 of the Prop. 2016年123竞选, 她于2014年获得大凤凰经济委员会颁发的“杰出服务奖”. She also earned inclusion among AZRE’s “People to Know in Commercial Real Estate,房地产论坛“最具影响力女性”,AZ大媒体“商业地产20位最具影响力女性”. 她还获得了凤凰商业杂志颁发的“最受尊敬领袖终身成就奖”,并于2013年获得国际经济发展理事会颁发的“公民领导奖”, 她还在2012年AZRE杂志的“亚利桑那州房地产50位最具影响力女性”和亚利桑那州商业杂志的“50位最具影响力女性”中获得了一席之地, 2012.” She is also an active member of the Counselors of Real Estate.

哈珀的承诺远远超出了商业范畴, 然而, 它们包括各种各样的原因, 亚利桑那州和其他地方的志愿者活动和预约. In 2022, Harper was recognized for her contributions to bioscience in Arizona at the Society of Chairs Gala, 她被提名为泰坦100人中的一员. Harper earned the 2019 Inés Pascal Award for Generous Service by Brophy College Preparatory Academy. In May, 2019, she was inducted into the Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame. 她获得了亚利桑那州西班牙裔商会颁发的2020-21年遗产奖和《加拿大28app苹果ios版》颁发的2020年女性终身成就奖.

She currently is on the Arizona Commerce Authority Board of Directors, 大凤凰领导力的前任主席, TGen的董事会成员, GPEC的执行董事会成员, 克莱顿大学董事会的理事, 主席 of the Creighton University Advisory Board and past chairman of the Trustees of ASU. 她被任命为州长的执行委员会成员. Doug Ducey的Arizona Zanjeros, 这是一个商业领导组织,旨在帮助促进亚利桑那州的经济发展和作为全国商业中心的声誉. 和, she serves on the Board of Trustees for the McCain Institute of 领导 in partnership with ASU, 以及麦凯恩图书馆和博物馆.

Past appointments include stints on the Board of Directors for the Arizona Community Foundation, Banner Health Foundation前任主席和Brophy College预科学校董事会主席.

哈珀还被任命为卢克空军基地的荣誉指挥官,并于2013年获得筹款专业人士协会颁发的“杰出志愿者筹款奖”, 2008年获得美国童子军颁发的“建设新未来优秀童子军奖”,2007年获得桑德拉·戴和约翰·奥康纳杰出社区服务奖. 她于2006年获得克莱顿大学校友成就奖和WESTMARC颁发的西部最佳领导力奖, 2003年西部马里科帕联盟. She was a Community Honoree for the Catholic Community Foundation in 2012, is a member of Charter 100 and the Governor’s Arizona Film and Television Commission, 也是马里科帕县艺术文化工作组和克莱顿大学国家校友委员会的董事会成员. 哈珀还曾在亚利桑那州参议员约翰·麦凯恩2000年和2008年竞选总统期间担任国家财政主席.

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